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CKC Ch MorningDove Ninebark Summer Fling Of Oracle
Sire: ASCA Ch/AKC GCh/CKC GCh Ninebark's Day Off SJ CGN RNX
Dam: ASCA Ch/CKC GCh Bayberry's Afterglow

Mia is an animated, moderate, and typey young girl. She takes her chore and barn duties seriously but has a nice off switch indoors.
A daughter of our Ferris, we can't thank Oracle Aussies enough for letting her come here. Mia finished her CKC Championship in just a few shows.
Mia is co-owned with Ninebark Aussies.
Blue merle bitch
DOB: May 5, 2021
OFA Hips/Elbows: Too young
Eyes: Clear, no notations, March 26,2023
Full dentition, scissors bite

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